Tru-Analytics/Trutko & Associates
Tru-Analytics/Trutko & Associates- 20360 Glendale Drive, Rocky River, OH 44116 – Administrative Assistant, Property Maintenance (Jan 2022- Dec 2024) I provided administrative support and technical assistance on consulting projects, including development of Cuyahoga Scoreboard. I assisted on property maintenance on four residential properties.​

Danny Boys
Danny Boys- 20251 Lake Road, Rocky River, OH 44116 - Head Chef, Head Line Cook, Line Cook (Aug 2016 - Dec 2021) I learned how to problem solve and to be quick on my feet. I managed others so all employees worked together as a team. I communicated well with customers and kitchen staff.

Travel & Community Service:

Student Ambassador/ Community Service
Washington, DC- (June 2013) Selected from 200 students to lay a wreath on The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery​.
Costa Rica (People to People)- (Summer 2014)- Engaged with scientists to protect rain forest. Took part in cutting edge research on rain forest ecosystems. Painted school walls and played soccer with local students.
Galapagos Islands (The Sprout Experience)- (Summer 2016) Visited Charles Darwin's laboratory.
Kenya (The Sprout Experience)- (Summer 2018)- Explored ecosystem and Maasai tribe in Lale'Enok near the Great Rift Valley. Searched for poachers with Maasai tribe in the Maasai Mara Game Reserve.

Rocky River High School- 20951 Detroit Road, Rocky River, OH 44116
Lettered in Track all 4 years.
High School Diploma - 2017

Baldwin Wallace University- 275 Eastland Road, Berea, OH 44017
B.S. Applied Math/Computer Science- Projected Dec. 2025 Graduation (Covid issues, working, and starting a family)

Currently engaged with marriage planned for June 2025.
Have two children in Fairview Park home.
Personal Interests
Upgrading PC, Video Games, Coding, UX Design
House Projects, Gardening
Exercise, Cleveland Monsters Hockey Fan
Working on Cars, Viewing Vintage Cars and Trucks
Family Events and Activities